On this page you can search and filter the UN recommendations submitted to the UK
CERD is an international human rights treaty adopted in 1965. The UK ratified (agreed to follow) CERD in 1969. By...
Government should: Take steps to ensure people belonging to ethnic minorities have full access to quality health care. Take steps...
Government should: Consult the public on plans to repeal the Human Rights Act and on the proposal for a new...
Government should: Ensure any budget cuts or legal changes to the mandates of the UK's national human rights institutions do...
Government should: Ensure governments across the UK and all overseas territories routinely collect and publish data disaggregated by ethnicity in...
Government should: (a) Investigate all reported racist hate crimes, prosecute perpetrators and provide remedies for victims. (b) Collect disaggregated data...
Government should: Remove its interpretative declaration on CERD article 4. The Committee also reiterates its recommendation that the State party...
Government should: Review the use of existing counter-terrorism measures (in particular the 'prevent duty' under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act...
Government should: Ensure members of ethnic minorities can access fair and effective legal aid across the UK and in all...
Government should: Adopt a national action plan to combat discrimination against people of African descent, in partnership with communities concerned....