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Found 17 results

Housing – Government action

UK Government actions: In July 2022, the UK Government published a response to its consultation on raising accessibility standards for...

Government action

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 17

Government should: (a) Bring anti-discrimination laws into line with CRPD. Bring into force any outstanding Equality Act 2010 provisions, including...

UN recommendation

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 45

Government should: (a) Recognise disabled people’s right to live independently and be included in the community in UK laws, so...

UN recommendation

ICESCR concluding observations 2016, paragraph 50

Government should: (a) Ensure there is sufficient housing (especially social housing), particularly for the most disadvantaged groups, including those on...

UN recommendation

ICESCR concluding observations 2016, paragraph 52

Government should: Provide local authorities with sufficient funds to reduce homelessness, particularly in England and Northern Ireland. Ensure there are...

UN recommendation

CEDAW concluding observations 2019, paragraph 56

Government should: in line with advice issued by the UN on women's asylum, nationality and statelessness issues: (a) Introduce a...

UN recommendation

CERD concluding observations 2016, paragraph 25

Government should: (a) Develop a strategy (in consultation with Gypsy, Traveller and Roma communities) to address the challenges they face...

UN recommendation

CRC concluding observations 2016, paragraph 71

Government should: (a) End child poverty and ensure accountability (including through concrete targets). Monitor and report results. (b) Put children...

UN recommendation

Housing – UK Government assessment

UK Government action taken in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic led to decreases in homelessness and rough sleeping. Levels...

Progress assessment Limited progress

UPR recommendations 2022, paragraph 43.147

Government should: Introduce an emergency poverty strategy to deal with the impact of rising costs on child poverty and access...

UN recommendation