On this page you can search and filter the UN recommendations submitted to the UK
Government should: Keep tackling human trafficking and protect and help victims of trafficking. Continue efforts aimed at combatting human trafficking...
Government should: Fully investigate cases of human trafficking and punish the perpetrators. Investigate thoroughly incidents of trafficking in human beings...
Government should: (a) Improve efforts to investigate claims of human trafficking, prosecute perpetrators and ensure that victims obtain compensation. Consider...
Government should: Consider ways to encourage migrant domestic workers to report abuse or ill-treatment to authorities, including giving migrant domestic...
Government should: (a) Collect and publish disaggregated data on child exploitation and abuse. Make reporting on child exploitation and abuse...
Government should: (a) Ensure all under 18s are protected from prostitution, pornography and trafficking. Ensure UK laws can also be...
Government should: Introduce policies to prevent trafficking in women and girls. Guarantee a fair trial to victims of trafficking. Adopt...
Government should: Put the victims at the heart of its strategy to combat human trafficking (especially of women and girls)....
Government should: (a) Ensure all migrant workers enjoy equal rights for pay, protection from unfair dismissal, rest and leisure, working...
Government should: Strengthen the National Referral Mechanism to identify and support human trafficking victims. Reinforce the National Referral Mechanism to...