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Found 71 results

UPR recommendations 2022, paragraph 43.276

Government should: Remove the reservation to article 59 of the Istanbul Convention, so that all migrant women receive the same...

UN recommendation

UPR recommendations 2017, paragraph 134.215

Government should: Update immigration laws to limit the amount of time migrants and asylum seekers can be detained. Consider revising...

UN recommendation

ICCPR concluding observations 2015, paragraph 21

Government should: (a) Introduce legal time limits on immigration detention. Ensure detention is used as a last resort and is...

UN recommendation

CEDAW concluding observations 2019, paragraph 30

Government should: in line with advice issued by the UN on gender-based violence: (a) Ratify the Istanbul Convention. (b) Take...

UN recommendation

CEDAW concluding observations 2019, paragraph 56

Government should: in line with advice issued by the UN on women's asylum, nationality and statelessness issues: (a) Introduce a...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 39

Government should: (a) Improve training for government officials who make decisions about statelessness. Carry out regular reviews of the officials’...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 53

Government should: (a) Provide the UN with detailed data on asylum applications that involve torture claims and the outcomes of...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 55

Government should: (a) Ensure that caseworkers properly consider statements from health professionals about torture victims and other people who are...

UN recommendation

CERD concluding observations 2016, paragraph 39

Government should: Set a legal time limit for immigration detention. Ensure detention is used only as a last resort, and...

UN recommendation

ICCPR concluding observations 2015, paragraph 6

Government should: Review its reservations to articles 10 (on separating under 18s in detention from adults), 14 (on free legal...

UN recommendation