On this page you can search and filter the UN recommendations submitted to the UK
Government should work with disabled people's organisations to: (a) Develop a fully-funded action plan to improve disabled people’s access to...
Government should: Review counter-terrorism laws and bring them into line with the ICCPR, including: (a) Consider revising the definition of...
Government should: (a) Review laws on intercepting and storing personal communications in line with the ICCPR, including article 17. Any...
Government should: Revise local laws and the British Nationality Act in overseas territories to secure migrant children's right to a...
Government should: Abolish any legal obligation to attend collective worship in state-funded schools. Guarantee children's right to freely decide whether...
Government should: (a) Ban non-statutory stop-and-search checks against children. (b) Ensure statutory stop-and-search checks are proportionate (considering the age and...
Government should: Strengthen the protection of citizens, and their right to privacy, in the Investigatory Powers Bill (2016). Strengthen the...
Government should: Align all surveillance laws with international human rights standards. Ensure all communications surveillance is necessary and proportionate. Bring...
Government should: Ensure surveillance laws do not breach the rights to privacy, intimacy and freedom of expression. Ensure that the...
Government should: Consider changing the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 to protect the right to privacy. Ban mass surveillance and stop...
UK Government actions In September 2021, the UK Government launched a consultation on reforms to the UK’s data protection regime,...
Recent legislative and policy changes have introduced certain new safeguards on data protection, surveillance and data retention. However, questions remain...
Read our assessment of the UK Government’s progress on...
Government should: (a) Do more to prevent non-statutory stop-and-search checks being used against children; ban their use in Northern Ireland;...
Government should: (a) Do more to deal with inequalities in education and improve outcomes for disadvantaged children, including by: •...