On this page you can search and filter the UN recommendations submitted to the UK
Government should: Develop a measurable action plan to improve the lives of disabled people across the UK. The Committee recommends...
Government should: Make prisons safer and improve prison conditions to deal with self-harm, suicide and overcrowding. Improve prison safety and...
Government should: Strengthen the implementation of programmes and policies for providing effective access to health care for women belonging to...
Government should: Continue efforts to identify and eliminate barriers to access to health and services for persons with disabilities. Continue...
Government should: Remove structural barriers to racial and ethnic minority community, equal and non-discrimination enjoyment of human rights, including the...
Government should: Do more to ensure that ethnic minorities and marginalised groups can access healthcare. Strengthen the implementation of programmes...
Government should: Ensure that minorities and migrants have equal access to employment, housing, public health and education, improving their quality...
Government should: Put more funding into the welfare state and other ways to reduce poverty. Allocate more resources for poverty...
Government should: Pursue efforts in protecting indigenous people and minorities by ensuring the provision and adequate and appropriate accommodation [and]...
Government should: Do more to identify victims of trafficking and support their recovery Take further steps to improve the identification...
Government should: Do more to identify victims of human trafficking and forced labour, give them access to legal and psychological...
Government should: Give potential victims of human trafficking information about their rights, do more to identify victims, and give them...
Government should: Keep doing more to make prison conditions better. Continue efforts to improve conditions in prisons...
Government should: Investigate mistreatment of prisoners and misuse of force in detention, and hold those responsible to account. Investigate ill-treatment...
Government should: Remove the declaration about interpretation of article 1 of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights...
Government should: Make sure that the recent commitment that women in Northern Ireland can access abortion is put into practice....
Government should: (a) Do more to identify child victims of trafficking and to ensure that child victims are referred to...
Government should: (a) Remove the ‘Hostile Environment’ policy and ensure children without regular residence status can get legal help, social...
Government should: (a) Urgently change the Illegal Migration Bill: take out any provisions that would lead to violations of children’s...
Government should: (a) Do more to deal with inequalities in education and improve outcomes for disadvantaged children, including by: •...
Government should: (a) Ensure all adolescent girls can access family planning services, affordable contraceptives, and safe abortion care without having...
Government should: (a) Urgently update the Mental Health Act to: • ban the detention or placement of children with mental...
Government should: (a) Do more to ensure that all forms of healthcare are available to all children, and that children...
Government should: (a) Review how welfare changes affect disabled children and their families; increase payments so that these changes do...
Government should: (a) Ensure that the best interests of the child are the priority in any decisions about care, including...
Government should: (a) Do more to reduce the number of children in care, including by funding early intervention and prevention...
Government should: (a) Do more to help parents and carers balance their work and family responsibilities, including by providing enough...
Government should: Keep taking action to deal with the differences in experiences of ethnic groups in criminal justice, employment, mental...
Government should: Ensure that women in Northern Ireland can access the same standard of safe abortion services as women in...
Government should: (a) Protect children from gang-related violence and knife crime and deal with the problem by: • dealing with...
Government should: Pass laws to ban corporal punishment of children in every setting. Enact legislation which explicitly prohibit corporal punishment...
Government should: Ensure that all migrants are treated in the same way when arriving in the UK, and ensure they...
Government should: Change immigration law and policy to allow for family reunification for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. Amend the immigration regulations...
Government should: Review immigration law so that it facilitates family reunification for unaccompanied refugee children, putting the best interests of...
Government should: Consider moving towards the implementation of the action plan for LGBTI people, and ban conversion practices. Consider moving...
Government should: Ban conversion practices for all LGBTQI+ people. Ban conversion therapy practices for all LGBTQI+ persons...
Government should: Introduce a law banning conversion therapy for all LGBTIQ+ people of all ages. Adopt legislation to ban all...
Government should: Introduce a law banning conversion practices in all forms and settings. Adopt legislation to ban all conversion...
Government should: Keep taking action to end inequalities affecting minorities in accessing criminal justice, employment, health and education. Keep taking...
Government should: Take action to ensure disabled people’s rights, in particular to an adequate standard of living and access to...
Government should: Consider raising the minimum age of marriage to at least 18 across the UK. Consider further measures to...
Government should: Ban corporal punishment of children, in line with the recommendations of the Committee on the Rights of the...
Government should: Take action to deal with the disproportionately high numbers of young people of African descent and other ethnic...
Government should: Take urgent action to end corporal punishment of children and raise the age of criminal responsibility in line...
Government should: Ensure equal access to abortion across Northern Ireland. Ensure equal access to abortion across Northern Ireland...
Government should: Raise the age of criminal responsibility in line with international standards, and stop the use of isolation measures...
Government should: Consider banning solitary confinement of juveniles. Consider prohibiting the use of solitary confinement for juveniles...
Government should: Introduce a national strategy to improve children’s access to health, education, culture and justice, in particular for vulnerable...
Government should: Do more to protect children from physical punishment and ensure their right to an adequate standard of living,...
Government should: Ensure that all cases of violence, especially sexual assault, against children in detention are investigated effectively; train judges,...
Government should: Ensure victims of domestic violence and their families can access support and protection from further abuse. Take measures...
Government should: Review the Domestic Abuse Act to support and protect women and girls, whatever their immigration status is. Review...
Government should: Take action to ensure that women and girls have access to education, healthcare and other support services in...
Government should: Do more to deal with racial inequalities in criminal justice, employment, mental health and education. Enhance efforts to...
Government should: Keep revising and strengthening laws to improve access to healthcare for women and girls. Continue to address and...
Government should: Do more to ensure equal access to healthcare. Strengthen measures taken to ensure equal access to healthcare...
Government should: Ensure equal pay and access to safe reproductive health services across the UK. Continue with legislative and policy...
Government should: Protect and give effect to trans people’s right to health by increasing the capacity of gender identity healthcare...
Government should: (a) Introduce national strategies to stop harmful practices that affect children, such as child marriage, female genital mutilation...
Government should: (a) Focus on children’s rights in all systems and actions taken to prevent abuse and neglect of children;...
Government should: (a) Fund disabled people's organisations and involve them in planning and implementing all laws affecting disabled people (including...
Government should: Take steps to ensure people belonging to ethnic minorities have full access to quality health care. Take steps...
Government should: Ensure the abortion law in Northern Ireland is in line with international human rights law. Decriminalise abortion and...
Government should: Further strengthen the Equality Act, particularly to provide better health services to disadvantaged groups such as migrants. Further...
Government should: Do more so that disadvantaged people can access public, social and health services. Strengthen measures to foster access...
Government should: Review the Equality Act in relation to to gender identity, and ensure intersex people can access health services....
Government should: Within one year of adopting the present recommendations, provide an update to the CERD Committee on progress in...
Government should: (a) Make laws and adequately fund steps to cut air pollution. (b) Make children’s rights the focus of...
Government should: (a) Put in place a comprehensive sexual and reproductive health policy for adolescents, focusing on improving equality and...
Government should: (a) Collect and publish data on psychotropic drugs (Ritalin, Concerta etc.) prescribed to children. (b) Ensure drugs are...
Government should: (a) Collect data on child mental health, paying particular attention to children in vulnerable situations. (b) Adequately fund...
Government should: Develop strategies on improving child health in line with UN advice on children's right to health and: (a)...
Government should: Adopt a human rights-based approach to disability, set up a strategy for the inclusion of disabled children in...
Government should: (a) Tackle the root causes of infant and child mortality, including deprivation and inequality. (b) Carry out automatic,...
Government should: Implement programmes and policies that provide effective access to healthcare for women from marginalised groups, particularly asylum-seeking and...
Government should: Urgently amend abortion laws in Northern Ireland. Extend exceptions to the abortion ban to include cases of rape,...
Government should: Take action to prevent suicides, including suicides and self-harm in custody, by: (a) tackling the root causes of...
Government should: Amend abortion laws in Northern Ireland in line with women's rights to health, life and dignity. Consider UN...
Government should: Ensure older people receive an adequate pension, care and treatment. Educate all health care workers on the rights...
Government should: Promote a full health service (including mental health) in line with the duty introduced by the Health and...
Government should: Ensure temporary or undocumented migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and Roma, Gypsies and Travellers can access all necessary health...
Government should: Increase support for asylum seekers (including daily allowances) to guarantee their economic, social and cultural rights, in particular...
Government should work with disabled people's organisations to: (a) Develop a fully-funded action plan to improve disabled people’s access to...
Government should: (a) Recognise disabled people’s right to live independently and be included in the community in UK laws, so...
Government should: Reverse all laws and practices allowing any form of forced medical care or surgery. Ensure disabled people (especially...
Government should: Introduce an action plan to challenge perceptions of disabled people not having ‘a good and decent life’, and...
Government should: Amend its abortion law. Guarantee women's right to reproductive and sexual autonomy without legalising selective abortion due to...
Government should: Provide reproductive health care for all women and girls, in line with CEDAW. Government should: Provide reproductive health...
Government should: Encourage Northern Ireland to align its law on sexual and reproductive health services and rights with the rest...
Government should: (a) Ban corporal punishment in all settings and remove the legal defence of ‘reasonable punishment’ in England and...
The UK Government’s new relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education guidance is welcome, as is action taken in...
Government should: (a) Introduce laws to ban any use against children of harmful devices (spit hoods, tasers, plastic bullets, attenuating...
Government should: (a) Ensure that all children, including younger children, disabled children and children in care, can have a say...
Government should: (a) Reduce the number of deaths of infants and children, including among boys in the Overseas Territories; address...
Government should: (a) Focus on the best interests of the child in all policies and activities that affect children, including...
Government should: Ensure all children can: (a) Safely make complaints about violence, abuse, discrimination and other violations of their rights,...
UK Government actions: In June 2022, the UK Government published a draft Mental Health Bill for pre-legislative scrutiny. This aims...
UK Government actions: In August 2022, the UK Government published its Women’s Health Strategy for England, detailing ambitions for improvements...
UK Government actions: Between May and August 2022, the UK Government submitted several reports to the UN: its report for...
The Welsh Government has legislated to make it mandatory for all school children aged 5–16 to learn about sexual and...
Funding cuts to the public health grant have affected sexual and reproductive health budgets, access to services across England varies,...
UK Government actions In December 2020, NHS England published revised guidance on visitor restrictions in maternity units during the coronavirus...
The Welsh Government has legislated to make relationships and sexuality education a statutory component of the new curriculum – ensuring...
UK Government actions In July 2021, the UK Government published a revised draft of its statutory guidance for schools, ‘Keeping...
UK Government actions In September 2021, Public Health England published updated guidance on preventing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in...
There have been a number of positive legislative and policy changes to increase education and awareness of the UN Convention...
While the introduction of compulsory relationships and sex education (RSE) may create further opportunities for schools to teach children about...
UK Government actions In October 2020, the UK Government updated the ‘headteachers’ standards’, which set baseline expectations for professional practice...
The Welsh Government has taken some positive policy and legislative steps, including a range of actions to address childhood adversity....
The UK Government has taken some policy and legislative steps to address aspects of violence, abuse and neglect, including its...
UK Government actions In June 2021, Ofsted published the findings of a UK Government-commissioned review of sexual abuse in schools...
Changes to the legal and policy framework are welcome in the areas of transport, housing and social care, and an...
There are persistent barriers affecting disabled people’s right to live independently as part of the community. The UK Government has...
UK Government actions In September 2021, the UK Government announced significant new funding arrangements for health and social care; £5.4...
There is evidence that certain groups experience persistent inequalities in accessing healthcare in Wales, but a lack of data separated...
Record NHS waiting lists and worsening waiting times before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have limited access to healthcare. There is...
UK Government actions In September 2021, the UK Government announced the new Health and Social Care Levy to help pay...
The UK Government has committed to introducing a new Mental Health Bill and implementing new laws to prevent the use...
Government should: Ensure migrants and minority ethnic groups enjoy the right to health and a decent standard of living. ...