On this page you can search and filter the UN recommendations submitted to the UK
ICCPR is an international human rights treaty adopted in 1966. The UK ratified (agreed to follow) ICCPR in 1976. By...
Government should: Urgently amend abortion laws in Northern Ireland. Extend exceptions to the abortion ban to include cases of rape,...
Government should: Within one year, give an update on plans to implement the UN's recommendations on accountability for conflict-related violations...
Government should: Distribute widely the ICCPR, the UK state report and the UN's recommendations. he State party should disseminate widely...
Government should: Change laws that deny convicted prisoners the right to vote in order to comply with the ICCPR. The...
Government should: (a) Review laws on intercepting and storing personal communications in line with the ICCPR, including article 17. Any...
Government should: (a) Raise the age of criminal responsibility to meet international standards. Follow international standards for juvenile justice. (b)...
Government should: (a) Ensure any limits on fair trial guarantees for national security reasons (such as court hearings held without...
Government should: (a) Introduce legal time limits on immigration detention. Ensure detention is used as a last resort and is...
Government should: Take action to end physical punishment in all settings, including in the home, across the UK and all...