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Found 33 results

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 59

Government should: (a) Improve efforts to investigate claims of human trafficking, prosecute perpetrators and ensure that victims obtain compensation. Consider...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 9

Government should: Ensure that the CAT is made part of UK law. Tell the UN about any cases in which...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 13

Government should: Repeal Section 134 (4) and (5) of the Criminal Justice Act 1988, which allow certain defences for torture....

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 15

Government should: Collect and publish disaggregated data on all complaints and reports of torture or ill-treatment received by government authorities....

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 17

Government should: Set out in law the role and powers of the United Kingdom’s National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) and its...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 19

Government should: (a) Ensure that all cases of violence, including sexual assault, against children in detention are investigated quickly and...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 21

Government should: (a) Continue to improve conditions and reduce overcrowding in prisons and other detention facilities, including through the use...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 23

Government should: Raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility. Adapt the youth justice system in line with advice issued by...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 25

Government should: (a) Provide the UN with detailed information about all deaths in custody and the causes of those deaths....

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 27

Government should: (a) Develop compulsory training for public officials that covers the content of the CAT. (b) Ensure that all...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 29

Government should: Ensure that the use of electrical discharge weapons (tasers) follows the principles of necessity, subsidiarity, proportionality, advance warning...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 31

Government should: Take steps to prevent torture in any territory under the effective control of the State, not only in...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 33

Government should: Set up an independent public inquiry to investigate allegations of torture and ill-treatment by UK staff in Iraq...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 35

Government should: Immediately set up an inquiry into alleged acts of torture and ill-treatment of detainees held overseas committed by,...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 37

Government should: Review the ‘Consolidated Guidance to Intelligence Officers and Service Personnel on the Detention and Interviewing of Detainees Overseas,...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 39

Government should: (a) Improve training for government officials who make decisions about statelessness. Carry out regular reviews of the officials’...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 69

Government should: Submit the UK's next (seventh) report to the UN by 17 May 2023. The UN will send a...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 43

Government should: (a) Promptly investigate cases of paramilitary violence, including against children, in Northern Ireland. Ensure that perpetrators are prosecuted...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 68

Government should: Share the UK's report to the UN and the Committee against Torture's recommendations widely, through official websites, the...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 67

Government should: Consider making a declaration, in line with article 22 of the CAT, to allow the Committee against Torture...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 66

Government should: Submit an update to the UN, by 17 May 2020, on progress made in implementing the Committee against...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 65

Government should: (a) Ensure that the parents or guardians of intersex children receive impartial counselling and psychological and social support....

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 63

Government should: Increase efforts to investigate alleged hate crimes and to prosecute perpetrators. These efforts should include improved training for...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 61

Government should: Consider ways to encourage migrant domestic workers to report abuse or ill-treatment to authorities, including giving migrant domestic...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 41

Government should: (a) Urgently implement the Stormont House Agreement, which was adopted by the British and Irish Governments and the...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 57

Government should: (a) Take steps to address the low prosecution and conviction rates for domestic abuse and sexual violence. Ensure...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 55

Government should: (a) Ensure that caseworkers properly consider statements from health professionals about torture victims and other people who are...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 53

Government should: (a) Provide the UN with detailed data on asylum applications that involve torture claims and the outcomes of...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 51

Government should: Consider changing the law to ensure that all victims of torture are able to access remedy and obtain...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 49

Government should: (a) Consider creating a specialist unit in the Metropolitan Police and Crown Prosecution Service to strengthen the use...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 47

Government should: Ensure that all women and girls in the UK, including Northern Ireland, can access abortions in situations where...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 45

Government should: (a) Take urgent steps to provide redress, including compensation and rehabilitation, for victims identified by the Historical Institution...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 11

Government should: Ensure that any future changes to human rights laws do not reduce the current legal protections against torture...

UN recommendation