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Found 28 results

ICESCR concluding observations 2016, paragraph 60

Government should: Ensure older people receive an adequate pension, care and treatment. Educate all health care workers on the rights...

UN recommendation

CEDAW concluding observations 2019, paragraph 18

Government should: Look at how changes to public spending, tax and welfare are affecting women’s rights. They should take urgent...

UN recommendation

CEDAW concluding observations 2019, paragraph 52

Government should: (a) Ensure that women in abusive situations can receive payments under Universal Credit independent of their partners. (b)...

UN recommendation

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 45

Government should: (a) Recognise disabled people’s right to live independently and be included in the community in UK laws, so...

UN recommendation

CRC concluding observations 2023, paragraph 51

Government should: (a) Remove the ‘Hostile Environment’ policy and ensure children without regular residence status can get legal help, social...

UN recommendation

UPR recommendations 2017, paragraph 134.164

Government should: Devise policies to help disadvantaged families, in particular children, to boost social mobility. Provide more targeted social policies...

UN recommendation

UPR recommendations 2017, paragraph 134.166

Government should: Do more so that disadvantaged people can access public, social and health services. Strengthen measures to foster access...

UN recommendation

UPR recommendations 2017, paragraph 134.167

Government should: Consult on the possibility of a universal basic income, replacing the current social protection system. As a follow-up...

UN recommendation

UPR recommendations 2017, paragraph 134.177

Government should: Tackle long-standing discrimination against women in political, economic and social settings, particularly regarding the gender pay gap and...

UN recommendation

UPR recommendations 2017, paragraph 134.192

Government should: Take further action to end child poverty. Assess the impacts of welfare reform on children from disadvantaged families....

UN recommendation