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Found 42 results

Criminal justice institutions – Government action

UK Government actions In September 2021, the UK Government published a new policy to support the needs of perinatal women...

Government action

Immigration – UK Government assessment

The implementation of ‘hostile environment’ immigration policies marked a reduction in human rights protections and court cases have found failures...

Progress assessment Regression

Harassment and bullying in schools – UK Government assessment

The UK Government’s new relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education guidance is welcome, as is action taken in...

Progress assessment Limited progress

Violence against women and girls – UK Government assessment

There have been important recent reforms to strengthen the policy and legal framework, and it will take time for their...

Progress assessment Limited progress

Just and fair conditions at work – UK Government assessment

The UK Government has made commitments to ensure fair conditions at work, including to tackle sexual harassment. However, it has...

Progress assessment Limited progress

Access to healthcare – Government action

UK Government actions In September 2021, the UK Government announced the new Health and Social Care Levy to help pay...

Government action

Access to healthcare – UK Government assessment

Record NHS waiting lists and worsening waiting times before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have limited access to healthcare. There is...

Progress assessment No progress

Access to healthcare – Welsh Government assessment

There is evidence that certain groups experience persistent inequalities in accessing healthcare in Wales, but a lack of data separated...

Progress assessment No progress

Violence, abuse and neglect, and child sexual exploitation – Government action

UK Government actions In June 2021, Ofsted published the findings of a UK Government-commissioned review of sexual abuse in schools...

Government action

Violence, abuse and neglect, and child sexual exploitation – UK Government assessment

The UK Government has taken some policy and legislative steps to address aspects of violence, abuse and neglect, including its...

Progress assessment Limited progress