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Found 587 results

UPR recommendations 2017, paragraph 134.169

Government should: Further strengthen the Equality Act, particularly to provide better health services to disadvantaged groups such as migrants. Further...

UN recommendation

UPR recommendations 2017, paragraph 134.166

Government should: Do more so that disadvantaged people can access public, social and health services. Strengthen measures to foster access...

UN recommendation

UPR recommendations 2017, paragraph 134.165

Government should: Ensure equality laws benefit the most disadvantaged in society. Simplify, harmonize and reinforce the current legal norms on...

UN recommendation

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 31

Government should: Put an end to all forms of substituted decision-making, by changing or introducing laws and policies on mental...

UN recommendation

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 37

Government should: (a) End the use of restraint for reasons relating to disability. Prevent the use of Tasers against disabled...

UN recommendation

UPR recommendations 2017, paragraph 134.163

Government should: Ensure the welfare of all members of society, including migrants. Ensure the welfare of all segments of society...

UN recommendation

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 41

Government should: Reverse all laws and practices allowing any form of forced medical care or surgery. Ensure disabled people (especially...

UN recommendation

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 73

Government should: Within one year of adopting the present recommendations, provide an update to the CRPD Committee on progress in...

UN recommendation

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 63

Government should: (a) Ratify and implement the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind,...

UN recommendation

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 55

Government should work with disabled people's organisations to: (a) Develop a fully-funded action plan to improve disabled people’s access to...

UN recommendation