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Found 290 results

UPR recommendations 2017, paragraph 134.93

Government should: Develop an action plan to put into practice the work of the Decade of People of African Descent,...

UN recommendation

UPR recommendations 2017, paragraph 134.92

Government should: Enforce and strengthen laws to end racism and discrimination against Gypsies, nomads and Roma. Strengthen and activate existing...

UN recommendation

UPR recommendations 2017, paragraph 134.134

Government should: Train public officials (particularly the police and the military) in human rights, including on the excessive use of...

UN recommendation

UPR recommendations 2017, paragraph 134.169

Government should: Further strengthen the Equality Act, particularly to provide better health services to disadvantaged groups such as migrants. Further...

UN recommendation

CEDAW concluding observations 2019, paragraph 66

Government should: Submit its next report to the Committee in March 2023, following the harmonised guidelines on reporting under international...

UN recommendation

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 74

Government should: Set up a process for implementing and acting on the CRPD Committee's recommendations following its inquiry into the...

UN recommendation

CEDAW concluding observations 2019, paragraph 65

Government should: Submit its next report to the Committee in March 2023, following the harmonised guidelines on reporting under international...

UN recommendation

CEDAW concluding observations 2019, paragraph 42

Government should: (a) Do more to encourage girls to study non-traditional subjects and courses in science, technology, engineering and mathematics;...

UN recommendation

CEDAW concluding observations 2019, paragraph 28

Government should: Engage with the media to eliminate images that stereotype or objectify women, take steps to end negative gender...

UN recommendation

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 77

Government should: Share the recommendations widely among disabled people, their families and organisations, including in sign language and accessible formats,...

UN recommendation