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Found 55 results

UPR recommendations 2022, paragraph 43.188

Government should: Ensure that women, including women from ethnic minorities are involved in decision-making at all levels. Continue measures to...

UN recommendation

UPR recommendations 2022, paragraph 43.192

Government should: Ensure that women and girls from all ethnic groups can take part meaningfully in political and public life....

UN recommendation

UPR recommendations 2022, paragraph 43.193

Government should: Ensure women in rural areas have a say in policy making, responding to disasters and climate change. Ensure...

UN recommendation

UPR recommendations 2022, paragraph 43.206

Government should: Take action to increase women’s representation in political and public life including Parliament, the judiciary and decision making...

UN recommendation

CERD concluding observations 2016, paragraph 45

Government should: Fully consult with civil society organisations when preparing the UK's next State Report, and in the follow-up to...

UN recommendation