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Found 105 results

CRC concluding observations 2023, paragraph 34

Government should: (a) Protect children from gang-related violence and knife crime and deal with the problem by: • dealing with...

UN recommendation

CRC concluding observations 2016, paragraph 87

Government should: Put into practice the UN's previous recommendation on captured child soldiers for all under 18s: Ensure children can...

UN recommendation

CRC concluding observations 2016, paragraph 92

Government should: Submit the UK's next report to the UN by 14 January 2022. The Committee invites the State party...

UN recommendation

CRC concluding observations 2016, paragraph 6

Government should: Withdraw all reservations to the CRC (regarding the applicability of article 22 to the Cayman Islands, article 32...

UN recommendation

CRC concluding observations 2016, paragraph 22

Government should: (a) Consider expanding the law to protect all under 18s from age-based discrimination. (b) Regularly review the use...

UN recommendation

CRC concluding observations 2016, paragraph 38

Government should: (a) Ban non-statutory stop-and-search checks against children. (b) Ensure statutory stop-and-search checks are proportionate (considering the age and...

UN recommendation

CRC concluding observations 2016, paragraph 37

Government should: Guarantee children’s right to freedom of movement and peaceful assembly by: (a) Banning the use of acoustic devices...

UN recommendation

CRC concluding observations 2016, paragraph 36

Government should: Abolish any legal obligation to attend collective worship in state-funded schools. Guarantee children's right to freely decide whether...

UN recommendation

CRC concluding observations 2016, paragraph 34

Government should: Revise local laws and the British Nationality Act in overseas territories to secure migrant children's right to a...

UN recommendation

CRC concluding observations 2016, paragraph 33

Government should: Consult children on the voting age. If lowered, strengthen human rights education and early awareness of rights and...

UN recommendation