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Found 252 results

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 11

Government should: (a) Fund disabled people's organisations and involve them in planning and implementing all laws affecting disabled people (including...

UN recommendation

Data collection and recording – Government action

UK Government actions In March 2021, the census for England and Wales was carried out, on a ‘digital-first’ basis. The...

Government action

Social care – UK Government assessment

Amid rising demand and funding constraints, more people were being declined care in the years prior to the coronavirus (COVID-19)...

Progress assessment Regression

Social care – Welsh Government assessment

There have been some welcome reforms to the policy and legal framework for social care in Wales in recent years,...

Progress assessment Limited progress

Human rights abuses abroad – Government action

UK Government actions In April 2021, the UK Parliament passed the Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Act, first introduced...

Government action

Violence, abuse and neglect, and child sexual exploitation – Government action

UK Government actions In June 2021, Ofsted published the findings of a UK Government-commissioned review of sexual abuse in schools...

Government action

Violence, abuse and neglect, and child sexual exploitation – UK Government assessment

The UK Government has taken some policy and legislative steps to address aspects of violence, abuse and neglect, including its...

Progress assessment Limited progress

Violence, abuse and neglect, and child sexual exploitation – Welsh Government assessment

The Welsh Government has taken some positive policy and legislative steps, including a range of actions to address childhood adversity....

Progress assessment Limited progress

Human rights education, trainings and awareness raising – Government action

UK Government actions In October 2020, the UK Government updated the ‘headteachers’ standards’, which set baseline expectations for professional practice...

Government action

Human rights education, trainings and awareness raising – UK Government assessment

While the introduction of compulsory relationships and sex education (RSE) may create further opportunities for schools to teach children about...

Progress assessment No progress