CRC concluding observations 2023, paragraph 29

UN recommendation

Plain English recommendation

Government should: (a) Do more to ensure disadvantaged children and children in the Overseas Territories can afford to get online and access digital services, but also that children who cannot access digital services can still access public services offline; (b) Bring in the Online Safety Bill and ensure that laws and policies protect children’s rights, privacy and safety online and protect them from harmful content and online risks; (c) Improve the digital literacy and skills of children, parents, caregivers and teachers, including by teaching them in schools.

Original UN recommendation

The Committee notes with appreciation the measures taken to improve digital inclusion for children in disadvantaged situations, including during the Covid-19 pandemic. Recalling its general comment No. 25 (2021) on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment, the Committee recommends that the State party: (a) Continue to improve digital inclusion for children in disadvantaged situations and in the Overseas Territories, including through accessible and affordable online services and connectivity, while ensuring that public services remain accessible to children who do not use or have access to digital technologies; (b) Adopt the Online Safety Bill and ensure that all laws and policies on the digital environment protect the rights, privacy and safety of children in the digital environment and from harmful content and online risks; (c) Enhance the digital literacy and skills of children, parents, caregivers and teachers, including by incorporating digital literacy into school curricula.

Date of UN examination


UN article number

7, 8 ,13, 14, 15, 16, 17

Last updated on 25/06/2024