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Found 134 results

ICESCR concluding observations 2016, paragraph 15

Government should align its international development cooperation with human rights by: (a) assessing the potential human rights impacts of international...

UN recommendation

ICESCR concluding observations 2016, paragraph 13

Government should: Consider UN advice on business and economic, social and cultural rights. The Committee draws the attention of the...

UN recommendation

ICESCR concluding observations 2016, paragraph 12

Government should: (a) Set up clear regulations to ensure companies operating in the UK do not infringe economic, social and...

UN recommendation

ICESCR concluding observations 2016, paragraph 6

Government should: Make ICESCR part of UK law. Ensure that where rights are violated, people can take legal action see...

UN recommendation

CRC concluding observations 2016, paragraph 7

Government should: (a) Align UK laws with the CRC so it can be enforced in UK courts and people can...

UN recommendation

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 53

Government should: Consult disabled people's organisations to: (a) Ensure all disabled children get an inclusive education in their own communities....

UN recommendation

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 45

Government should: (a) Recognise disabled people’s right to live independently and be included in the community in UK laws, so...

UN recommendation

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 39

Government should: work with disabled people's organisations to: (a) Ensure disabled people (particularly women, children, intersex people and older people)...

UN recommendation

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 33

Government should: Work with disabled people's organisations to: (a) Develop programmes to make judges, prosecutors, police officers and prison staff...

UN recommendation

CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 33

Government should: Set up an independent public inquiry to investigate allegations of torture and ill-treatment by UK staff in Iraq...

UN recommendation