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Found 42 results

Harassment and bullying in schools – Welsh Government assessment

The Welsh Government has legislated to make relationships and sexuality education a statutory component of the new curriculum – ensuring...

Progress assessment Limited progress

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 15

Government should: Legally protect people from multiple and intersectional discrimination, including on the grounds of migrant, refugee or other status....

UN recommendation

Criminal justice institutions – UK Government assessment

Limited time out of cells, overcrowding, poor conditions, use of force, solitary confinement and self-harm in prisons are commonplace and,...

Progress assessment Regression

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 39

Government should: work with disabled people's organisations to: (a) Ensure disabled people (particularly women, children, intersex people and older people)...

UN recommendation

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 41

Government should: Reverse all laws and practices allowing any form of forced medical care or surgery. Ensure disabled people (especially...

UN recommendation

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 65

Government should: Increase the availability of high-quality data disaggregated by: income, sex, age, gender, race, ethnic origin, migrant, asylum-seeking and...

UN recommendation

CEDAW concluding observations 2019, paragraph 26

Government should: (a) Strengthen the capacity of the Government Equalities Office so that it can provide national leadership on women's...

UN recommendation

CRC concluding observations 2016, paragraphs 65

Government should: (a) Put in place a comprehensive sexual and reproductive health policy for adolescents, focusing on improving equality and...

UN recommendation

UPR recommendations 2017, paragraph 134.84

Government should: Do more to put an end to negative stereotypes in the media, especially against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender...

UN recommendation

UPR recommendations 2017, paragraph 134.125

Government should: Review the Equality Act in relation to to gender identity, and ensure intersex people can access health services....

UN recommendation