CRC concluding observations 2023, paragraph 11

UN recommendation

Plain English recommendation

Government should: Take steps to ensure that children’s rights are considered in all budgeting decisions, and: (a) Set up a tracking system to monitor how funding is used to support children across all sectors, to ensure it is equitable and effective at addressing inequality; (b) Provide funding specifically for disadvantaged children, and ensure that austerity decisions do not negatively affect children; (c) During times of economic crisis, follow UN advice on making sure that public budgeting protects children’s rights; this includes giving children a say in any decisions that affect them; (d) Remove the 2023/24 budget for Northern Ireland and take steps to avoid negative effects on children’s rights in the new budget; (e) Ensure transparent and participatory budgeting in which civil society, the public and children can participate effectively.

Original UN recommendation

The Committee recommends that the State party incorporate a child rights-based approach into the State budgeting process in all jurisdictions of the State party, the Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies, and: (a) Implement a tracking system for the allocation, use and monitoring of resources for children, with a view to eliminating disparities and ensuring equitability, and assess how investments in all sectors serve the best interests of children; (b) Introduce budgetary allocations for children in disadvantaged situations and ensure that children are not affected by austerity measures; (c) Ensure that, in situations of economic crisis, regressive measures are not taken without the requirements stated in paragraph 31 of general comment No. 19 on public budgeting for the realization of children´s rights, including that children participate in the decision-making process related to such measures; (d) Withdraw the 2023/24 budget for Northern Ireland and fully consider the equality and human rights implications of a new budget, taking all possible steps to mitigate any adverse impact on children’s rights before issuing a revised budget; (e) Ensure transparent and participatory budgeting in which civil society, the public and children can participate effectively.

Date of UN examination


UN article number

4, 42, 44 (6)

Last updated on 15/10/2024