Housing – Welsh Government assessment

Progress assessment

Limited progress

There have been legal or policy changes to improve human rights protections but very limited evidence of sustained improvements in the enjoyment of human rights on this issue

The Welsh Government has taken action to prevent and reduce homelessness, protect tenants’ rights, improve housing conditions and increase the supply of affordable homes. The Welsh Government also took measures to protect rough sleepers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. While the number of households assessed as homeless has decreased, many still face the threat of homelessness. Many people still live in overcrowded, poor-quality housing and the chronic shortage of accessible homes continues to have an adverse impact on the lives of disabled people. Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people continue to face particular housing challenges.

Read more about the UK and Welsh Governments’ actions on housing.

The assessment was made based on the evidence available up to 10/12/2022