CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 55
Plain English recommendation
Government should:
(a) Ensure that caseworkers properly consider statements from health professionals about torture victims and other people who are at risk of suffering harm in detention. Ensure that those immigrants who are identified as at risk of harm in detention receive the necessary care and protection.
(b) Not detain irregular migrants and asylum seekers for prolonged periods; use detention as a measure of last resort for as short a period as possible; and continue to use alternatives to detention.
(c) Consider setting in law a reasonable time limit for immigration detention.
Original UN recommendation
The State party should:
(a) Ensure that health professional expert statements about torture victims and other persons at particular risk of suffering harm as a consequence of detention, are given due consideration by non-health professional caseworkers, and ensure that individuals identified as at risk of future harm in detention receive necessary care and protection.
(b) Refrain from detaining irregular migrants and asylum seekers forprolonged periods, use detention as a measure of last resort only for as short a period as possible, and continue the application of non-custodial measures.
(c) Consider setting in law a reasonable time limit on the duration of administrative immigration detention.
Date of UN examination
UN article number
2 (prevention of torture), 11 (review of detention procedures)
Original UN document
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