CERD concluding observations 2016, paragraph 37
Plain English recommendation
Government should:
Consider intersectional discrimination when taking steps to combat racism and sectarianism. Provide information, in the UK’s next State Report, on concrete measures to tackle racial discrimination in Northern Ireland, and on the impact of the ‘Together: Building a United Community’ strategy.
Original UN recommendation
The Committee recommends that the State party consider the standards, duties and actions prescribed by the Convention and the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action on intersectionality between ethnic origin, religion and other forms of discrimination in its measures to combat racism and sectarianism. It requests that the State party provide information, in its next periodic report, on concrete measures adopted to address racial discrimination in Northern Ireland, and on the impact of the “Together: Building a United Community” strategy in addressing discrimination experienced by members of ethnic minority groups.
Date of UN examination
UN article number
2 (general obligations), 4 (eradicating racial superiority, racial hatred, and incitement to violence and discrimination)
Original UN document
Download the CERD concluding observations 2016 on the UN website