CERD concluding observations 2016, paragraph 41

UN recommendation

Plain English recommendation

Government should:

Ensure CERD applies in all territories, including the British Indian Ocean Territory. Fully consult with the Chagossians (Îlois) to assist their return to their islands, and provide them with an effective remedy, including compensation.

Original UN recommendation

Taking note of the decision, adopted on 18 March 2015, of the arbitral tribunal constituted under annex VII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in the matter of the Chagos Marine Protected Area Arbitration, the Committee reiterates its previous recommendation (see CERD/C/GBR/CO/18-20, para. 12) that the State party has an obligation to ensure that the Convention is applicable in all territories under its control, including the British Indian Ocean Territory, and urges the State party to hold full and meaningful consultations with the Chagossians (Îlois) to facilitate their return to their islands and to provide them with an effective remedy, including compensation.

Date of UN examination


UN article number

2 (general obligations), 5 (prohibition of racial discrimination; equal enjoyment of rights), 6 (remedies)

Last updated on 15/03/2022