CRC concluding observations 2023, paragraph 21

UN recommendation

Plain English recommendation

Government should:

(a) Focus on the best interests of the child in all policies and activities that affect children, including anything linked to alternative care, domestic violence, custody, trafficking, child justice, migration, and asylum seeking;

(b) Ensure that all relevant professionals understand how to make the best interests of the child central to their work;

(c) Create a tool for Child Rights Impact Assessments and use this in all areas of work.

Original UN recommendation

Noting with concern that the principle of the best interests of the child is not systematically applied in all matters affecting children, the Committee recalls its previous recommendations and recommends that the State party:

(a) Ensure that the principle of the best interests of the child is consistently applied in all policies, programmes and legislative, administrative and judicial proceedings affecting children, including in relation to placement in alternative care, domestic violence, custody, trafficking, child justice, migration and asylum procedures;

(b) Strengthen the capacity of all relevant professionals for assessing and determining the best interests of the child and for giving it due weight as a primary consideration;

(c) Take measures to develop and implement a tool for the purpose of Child Rights Impact Assessments throughout the State party.

Date of UN examination


UN article number

2, 3, 6, 12

Last updated on 25/06/2024