CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 39

UN recommendation

Plain English recommendation

Government should:

work with disabled people’s organisations to:

(a) Ensure disabled people (particularly women, children, intersex people and older people) have equal access to justice, and are protected from abuse, sexual violence and exploitation.

(b) Develop a clear definition of disability hate crime, and ensure perpetrators are prosecuted and convicted.

(c) Independently monitor all facilities and programmes designed for disabled people to prevent violence, exploitation and abuse.

Original UN recommendation

The Committee recommends that the State party, in close collaboration with organizations of persons with disabilities, and in line with target 16.3 of the Sustainable Development Goals:

(a) Establish measures to ensure equal access to justice and to safeguard persons with disabilities, particularly women, children, intersex persons and elderly persons with disabilities from abuse, ill-treatment, sexual violence and exploitation.

(b) Define comprehensively the offence of disability hate crime, and ensure appropriate prosecutions and convictions.

(c) Ensure that all facilities and programmes designed to serve persons with disabilities are effectively monitored by independent authorities, in accordance with article 16 (3) of the Convention.

Date of UN examination


UN article number

16 (freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse)

Last updated on 09/12/2020