CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 78
Plain English recommendation
Government should:
Submit the UK’s next State Report to the UN by 8 July 2023.
Original UN recommendation
The Committee requests the State party to submit its combined second, third and fourth reports by 8 July 2023 and to include in them information on the implementation of the recommendations made in the present concluding observations. The Committee also requests the State party to consider submitting the above-mentioned reports under the Committee’s simplified reporting procedure, according to which the Committee prepares a list of issues at least one year prior to the due date set for the report of a State party. The replies of a State party to such a list of issues constitute its report.
Date of UN examination
UN article number
35 (reports by States Parties), 36 (consideration of reports), 37 (cooperation with the Committee)
Original UN document
Download the original CRPD concluding observations 2017 on the UN website