ICESCR concluding observations 2016, paragraph 12
Plain English recommendation
Government should:
(a) Set up clear regulations to ensure companies operating in the UK do not infringe economic, social and cultural rights.
(b) Introduce new laws and policies to hold UK companies responsible for breaches of rights abroad committed by them or their subsidiaries.
(c) Carry out risk assessments before granting arms export licences. Refuse or stop licences where there is a risk of human rights violations.
Original UN recommendation
The Committee recommends that the State party:
(a) Establish a clear regulatory framework for companies operating in the State party to ensure that their activities do not negatively affect the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural human rights.
(b) Adopt appropriate legislative and administrative measures to ensure the legal liability of companies domiciled under the State party’s jurisdiction for violations of economic, social and cultural rights in their projects abroad committed directly by these companies or resulting from the activities of their subsidiaries.
(c) Conduct thorough risk assessments prior to granting licences for arms exports and refuse or suspend such licences when there is a risk that arms could be used to violate human rights, including economic, social and cultural rights.
Date of UN examination
UN article number
2 (implementation of the Convention)
Original UN document
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