International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

UN treaty

ICCPR is an international human rights treaty adopted in 1966. The UK ratified (agreed to follow) ICCPR in 1976.

By ratifying ICCPR, the UK agrees to ensure the enjoyment of civil and political rights, including the rights to:

  • be free from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
  • fair trial rights
  • freedom of thought, religion and expression
  • privacy, home and family life
  • equality and non-discrimination

How the treaty is monitored

The implementation of ICCPR is monitored by the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Committee. Around every eight years (under the new predictable review cycle), the Committee reviews how well each state is putting into practice the rights in ICCPR. Find out more about the previous review cycles.

There are six stages to the treaty cycle – see the ICCPR treaty cycle below for further information about each stage.

Engagement and participation

Civil society organisations and other stakeholders can engage throughout the treaty monitoring cycle. The UN has provided information on how to participate.

We aim to support civil society organisations to understand and engage with the monitoring process. For instance, we may host webinars or roundtable discussions, commission organisations to produce reports on behalf of wider civil society, or provide financial assistance to increase participation in UN oral evidence sessions.

We will commission up to a maximum of one civil society project per cycle.

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) treaty cycle

The ICCPR review cycle is currently at stage 6: Government implements recommendations..

Reporting to the UN Human Rights Committee takes place under the simplified reporting procedure.

The timings given below are estimates and may change, particularly as a result of delays and backlogs at the UN. Deadlines for submission of evidence may be confirmed by the UN at short notice, so stakeholders wishing to submit are advised to prepare in advance.

Optional protocols

ICCPR has two Optional Protocols, which are additional treaties that provide further rights or processes.

The first Optional Protocol allows people to complain directly to the Human Rights Committee if they believe their rights have been violated. It can only be used when all domestic channels have been exhausted. The UK has not signed up to this.

The second Optional Protocol deals with the abolition of the death penalty. This has been ratified by the UK.

General comments

The Human Rights Committee has issued a number of General Comments on ICCPR. These provide further detail on how it should be interpreted, covering issues such as the right to life, freedom of opinion and expression and non-discrimination.

Last updated on 27/02/2025