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Found 36 results

CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 9

Government should: Develop a measurable action plan to improve the lives of disabled people across the UK. The Committee recommends...

UN recommendation

Harassment and bullying in schools – Welsh Government assessment

The Welsh Government has legislated to make relationships and sexuality education a statutory component of the new curriculum – ensuring...

Progress assessment Limited progress

Independent living โ€“ Welsh Government assessment

Changes to the legal and policy framework are welcome in the areas of transport, housing and social care, and an...

Progress assessment Limited progress

Human rights education, trainings and awareness raising – Government action

UK Government actions In October 2020, the UK Government updated the ‘headteachers’ standards’, which set baseline expectations for professional practice...

Government action

Human rights education, trainings and awareness raising – UK Government assessment

While the introduction of compulsory relationships and sex education (RSE) may create further opportunities for schools to teach children about...

Progress assessment No progress

Human rights education, trainings and awareness raising – Welsh Government assessment

There have been a number of positive legislative and policy changes to increase education and awareness of the UN Convention...

Progress assessment Limited progress

Harassment and bullying in schools – Government action

UK Government actions In July 2021, the UK Government published a revised draft of its statutory guidance for schools, ‘Keeping...

Government action

Harassment and bullying in schools – UK Government assessment

The UK Government’s new relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education guidance is welcome, as is action taken in...

Progress assessment Limited progress

International cooperation, including with human rights mechanisms โ€“ Government action

UK Government actions: Between May and August 2022, the UK Government submitted several reports to the UN: its report for...

Government action

Independent living โ€“ Government action

UK Government actions In September 2021, the UK Government announced significant new funding arrangements for health and social care; £5.4...

Government action