CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 15

UN recommendation

Plain English recommendation

Government should:

Collect and publish disaggregated data on all complaints and reports of torture or ill-treatment received by government authorities. The published data should state whether such reports led to investigations, prosecutions and/or disciplinary actions, and whether victims obtained redress.

Original UN recommendation

The Committee urges the State party routinely to compile and publish comprehensive disaggregated statistical information relevant to all complaints and reports received of torture or ill-treatment, whether such complaints led to investigations, by which authority, whether the investigations resulted in the imposition of disciplinary measures and/or prosecutions, and whether the victims obtained redress, in a manner that will enable the State party to provide such information to the Committee and other relevant monitors in the future.

Date of UN examination


UN article number

2 2 (prevention of torture), 12 (prompt and impartial investigation), 13 (right to complain), 16 (cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment)

Last updated on 11/09/2019