CAT concluding observations 2019, paragraph 25

UN recommendation

Plain English recommendation

Government should:

(a) Provide the UN with detailed information about all deaths in custody and the causes of those deaths.

(b) Ensure that all deaths in custody are promptly and impartially investigated by an independent body.

(c) Gather detailed data about suicide among people who are deprived of their liberty. Measure the effectiveness of strategies to prevent suicide and to identify risks.

Original UN recommendation

The State party should:

(a) Provide the Committee with detailed information on cases of deaths in custody and the causes of those deaths.

(b) Take measures to ensure that all instances of death in custody are promptly and impartially investigated by an independent entity.

(c) Compile detailed data on suicides among persons deprived of their liberty and assess the effectiveness of prevention and risk identification strategies and programmes.

Date of UN examination


UN article number

2 (prevention of torture), 11 (review of detention procedures), 16 (cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment)

Last updated on 11/09/2019