CRC concluding observations 2016, paragraph 73

UN recommendation

Plain English recommendation

Government should:

(a) Take action to reduce the impact of social background or disabilities on children’s achievements in school. Guarantee the right to inclusive education across the UK, including for those new to formal education. Monitor and regulate academies and free schools in England. Ban unregulated secondary school admission tests in Northern Ireland.

(b) Use the disciplinary measure of permanent or temporary exclusion as a means of last resort only, forbid and abolish the practice of “informal” exclusions and further reduce the number of exclusions by working closely with social workers and educational psychologists in school and using mediation and restorative justice;

(c) Ensure that children have the right to appeal against their exclusion and are provided with legal advice, assistance and, where appropriate, representation for those without means;

(d) Abolish the use of isolation rooms.

(e) In Northern Ireland, promote a socially integrated education system. Monitor shared education to ensure it improves integration and participation.

(f) Properly fund early years education and childcare

(g) Make the teaching of children’s rights compulsory.

Original UN recommendation

The Committee recommends that the State party:

(a) Enhance its efforts to reduce the effects of the social background or disabilities of children on their achievement in school and to guarantee the right of all children to a truly inclusive education in all parts of the State party, including for newcomer children without experiences of formal education. In this regard, closely monitor and, if necessary, regulate the establishment and management of academies and free schools in England and abolish the practice of unregulated admission tests to post-primary education in Northern Ireland;

(b) Use the disciplinary measure of permanent or temporary exclusion as a means of last resort only, forbid and abolish the practice of “informal” exclusions and further reduce the number of exclusions by working closely with social workers and educational psychologists in school and using mediation and restorative justice;

(c) Ensure that children have the right to appeal against their exclusion and are provided with legal advice, assistance and, where appropriate, representation for those without means;

(d) Abolish the use of isolation rooms.

(e) In Northern Ireland, actively promote a fully integrated education system and carefully monitor the provision of shared education, with the participation of children, in order to ensure that it facilitates social integration.

(f) Taking note of target 4.2 of the Sustainable Development Goals, on access to quality early childhood development services, allocate sufficient human, technical and financial resources for the development and expansion of early childhood care and education, based on a comprehensive and holistic policy of early childhood development, with special attention to the children in the most vulnerable situations.

(g) Make children’s rights education mandatory.

Date of UN examination


UN article number

18 (parental responsibilities; state assistance), 23 (children with disability), 28 (right to education), 29 (goals of education)

Last updated on 15/03/2022