CRPD concluding observations 2017, paragraph 21

UN recommendation

Plain English recommendation

Government should:

Consult with disabled children’s organisations to develop and put into practice policies for:

(a) Tackling high poverty levels in families with disabled children;

(b) Ensuring all laws and policies affecting disabled children are based on the human rights model of disability;

(c) Monitoring how disabled children are coping in school, especially those facing bullying;

(d) Requiring authorities to provide adequate childcare for disabled children;

(e) Tackling bullying, hate speech and hate crime against disabled children.

Original UN recommendation

The Committee recommends that the State party, in close consultation with organizations representing children with disabilities, develop and implement policies aimed at:

(a) Eliminating the higher level of poverty among families with children with disabilities.

(b) Incorporating the human rights model of disability into all laws and regulations concerning children with disabilities.

(c) Setting up an independent monitoring mechanism to assess the situation of children with disabilities in school, particularly those facing bullying, through reliable indicators.

(d) Securing sufficient and disability-sensitive childcare as a statutory duty across the State party.

(e) Strengthening measures to prevent bullying, hate speech and hate crime against children with disabilities.

Date of UN examination


UN article number

7 (disabled children)

Last updated on 09/12/2020