CRC concluding observations 2016, paragraph 61
Plain English recommendation
Government should:
(a) Collect data on child mental health, paying particular attention to children in vulnerable situations.
(b) Adequately fund child and adolescent mental health services. Develop and monitor strategies ensuring the accessibility and quality of such services. Focus particularly on children living in poverty, in care, or in contact with the criminal justice system.
(c) Stop placing children with mental health needs in adult psychiatric wards or police stations. Ensure age-appropriate services and facilities are provided.
(d) Support and develop therapeutic community-based services for children with mental health conditions.
(e) Review current mental health laws to ensure the best interests and views of the child are seriously considered (in particular regarding hospitalisation and treatment without consent of children under 16).
Original UN recommendation
The Committee recommends that the State party:
(a) Regularly collect comprehensive data on child mental health, disaggregated across the life course of the child, with due attention to children in vulnerable situations and covering key underlying determinants;
(b) Rigorously invest in child and adolescent mental health services and develop strategies at the national and devolved levels, with clear time frames, targets, measureable indicators, effective monitoring mechanisms and sufficient human, technical and financial resources. Such strategy should include measures to ensure availability, accessibility, acceptability, quality and stability of such services, with particular attention to children at greater risk, including children living in poverty, children in care and children in contact with the criminal justice system;
(c) Expedite the prohibition of placing children with mental health needs in adult psychiatric wards or police stations, while ensuring the provision of age-appropriate mental health services and facilities;
(d) Support and develop therapeutic community-based services for children with mental health conditions;
(e) Review current legislation on mental health to ensure that the best interests and the views of the child are taken duly into account in cases of mental health treatment of children below the age of 16 years, in particular with regard to hospitalization and treatment without consent.
Date of UN examination
UN article number
24 (health and health services), 25 (review of treatment in care)
Original UN document
Download the original CRC concluding observations 2016 on the UN website