Casgliadau i gloi CEDAW 2019, paragraff 52
Argymhelliad Cymreig clir
Dylai’r llywodraeth:
(a) Sicrhau y gall menywod mewn sefyllfaoedd o gam-drin dderbyn taliadau dan Gredyd Cynhwysol yn annibynnol o’u partneriaid;
(b) Diddymu’r terfyn dau blentyn ar gredyd treth plant;
(c) sicrhau nad yw codi oed pensiwn y Wladwriaeth i 66 yn gwahaniaethu yn erbyn menywod a aned yn y 1950au.
Original UN recommendation
Recalling its general recommendations No. 34 (2016) on the rights of rural women, the Committee recommends that the State party:
(a) Adopt inclusive and accessible measures to facilitate women and girls access to education, employment, healthcare services and support services in rural areas, including by ensuring their access to transportation and Internet, as well as their participation in decision-making processes regarding rural development.
(b) Review its policy on fracking and its impact on the rights of women and girls, and consider introducing a comprehensive and complete ban on fracking.
(c) Ensure the equal participation of rural women and girls in policymaking processes on disaster mitigation and climate change, in line with its general recommendation No. 37 (2018) on the gender-related dimensions of disaster risk reduction in the context of climate change.
Date of UN examination
UN article number
13 (economic and social life)
Original UN document
Lawr lwytho casgliadau i gloi gwreiddiol 2019 y CEDAW ar wefan y CU