Casgliadau i gloi ICESCR 2016, paragraff 30
Argymhelliad Cymreig clir
Dylai’r llywodraeth:
Adolygu ei bolisïau cyflogaeth i daclo achosion gwraidd diweithdra. Datblygu cynllun gweithredu yn ffocysu’n benodol ar bobl ifanc, pobl anabl a lleiafrifoedd ethnig, crefyddol neu eraill.
Original UN recommendation
Recalling its previous recommendations (see E/C.12/GBR/CO/5, paras. 20 and 21), the Committee recommends that the State party review its employment policies to address the root causes of unemployment and include in its action plan time-bound goals with a specific focus on groups disproportionately affected by unemployment, such as young people, persons with disabilities and persons belonging to ethnic, religious or other minorities.
Date of UN examination
UN article number
2 (implementation of the Convention), 6 (right to work)
Original UN document
Lawr lwytho casgliadau i gloi gwreiddiol 2016 y ICESCR ar wefan y CU