Casgliadau i gloi ICESCR 2016, paragraff 50
Argymhelliad Cymreig clir
Dylai’r llywodraeth:
(a) Sicrhau bod yna gartrefi digonol (yn enwedig cartrefi cymdeithasol), yn arbennig ar gyfer y grwpiau mwyaf difreintiedig, yn cynnwys y rhai ar incwm canolig ac isel, pobl ifanc a phobl anabl.
(b) Rheoleiddio’r farchnad rhentu preifat, yn cynnwys trwy amddiffyn sicrwydd deiliadaeth a systemau atebolrwydd. Sicrhau y gall pobl ar fudd-daliadau tai gael mynediad i’r farchnad rhentu preifat.
(c) Sicrhau bod cartrefi yn addas i fyw ynddynt.
(d) Sicrhau bod safleoedd stopio digonol ar gael ar gyfer cymunedau Roma, Sipsiwn a Theithwyr. Osgoi pob math o wahaniaethu mewn llety.
Disodli’r Gorchymyn Gwersyllfannau Heb Awdurdod (Gogledd Iwerddon) 2005.
(e) Gwneud mwy i drechu anghydraddoldeb tai ar gyfer teuluoedd Catholig yng Ngogledd Belfast, a chynnwys pob ochr mewn penderfyniadau yn ymwneud â thai.
Original UN recommendation
The Committee recalls its previous recommendation (see E/C.12/GBR/CO/5, para. 29) and urges the State party to:
(a) Adopt all necessary measures to address the housing deficit by ensuring a sufficient supply of housing, in particular social housing units, especially for the most disadvantaged and marginalized individuals and groups, including middle- and lowincome individuals and households, young people and persons with disabilities.
(b) Take specific measures to deal with the inability of renters in the private rental sector to pay rents on account of the limits imposed on housing allowance and effectively regulate the private rental sector, including through security of tenure protection and accountability mechanisms.
(c) Take corrective measures to address bad housing, including substandard housing conditions and uninhabitable housing.
(d) Ensure adequate access to culturally appropriate accommodation and stopping sites for the Roma, Gypsy and Traveller communities, as appropriate; take steps to avoid all forms of discrimination in the provision of accommodation; and repeal the Unauthorised Encampments (Northern Ireland) Order 2005; (e) Intensify its efforts to address the challenges to overcoming persistent inequalities in housing for Catholic families in North Belfast, including through meaningful participation by all actors in decision-making processes related to housing.
Date of UN examination
UN article number
2 (implementation of the Convention), 11 (adequate standard of living)
Original UN document
Lawr lwytho casgliadau i gloi gwreiddiol 2016 y ICESCR ar wefan y CU