Casgliadau i gloi CEDAW 2019, paragraff 22

UN recommendation

Argymhelliad Cymreig clir

Dylai’r llywodraeth:

(a) Asesu effaith gadael yr UE ar hawliau menywod, yn cynnwys y rhai yng Ngogledd Iwerddon, a chymryd camau i atal neu leihau unrhyw effeithiau negyddol;

(b) Gynnwys pob cyfraith hawliau dynol rhyngwladol ac UE perthnasol yng nghyfraith y Deyrnas Unedig, a defnyddio hawliau menywod i daclo’r heriau presennol;

(c) Sicrhau bod unrhyw gyfreithiau yn y Deyrnas Unedig yn y dyfodol yn cynnal neu wella hawliau menywod, yn cynnwys paru unrhyw gynnydd a wneir tuag at hawliau menywod yn yr UE;

(d) Gydnabod pwysigrwydd rhwymedigaethau’r Confensiwn ac asesu’r effaith ar hawliau menywod wrth wneud unrhyw gytundebau masnach a buddsoddiad yn y dyfodol;

(e) Ganfod ffynonellau cyllid amgen i gynnal gwasanaethau menywod a merched y gellir eu colli pan fydd y Deyrnas Unedig yn gadael yr UE.

Original UN recommendation

The Committee recommends that the State party:

(a) Undertake a thorough impact assessment of its withdrawal from the European Union on the rights of women, including women in Northern Ireland, and adopt effective measures to mitigate the negative effects.

(b) Ensure the inclusion of the provisions of the Convention, the European Convention on Human Rights and the “acquis communautaire” (or “EU acquis”) in its domestic legislation, and utilize the human rights framework and the empowerment of women as a strategic tool to tackle the current challenges.

(c) Ensure that any future change in legal provisions do not constitute a retrogression in the protection of women’s rights and adopt measures to ensure that its domestic legislation keeps pace with progress on women’s rights in the European Union.

(d) Ensure that any future trade and investment agreements negotiated by the State party recognize the primacy of its obligations under the Convention and explicitly consider their impact on women’s rights.

(e) Ensure that the loss of funding from the European Union does not lead to gaps in support and services provided to women and girls, including by securing alternative sources of funding.

Date of UN examination


UN article number

2 (elimination of discrimination against women)

Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 11/09/2019