Casgliadau i gloi CRC 2023, paragraff 25

Argymhelliad CU

Argymhelliad Cymreig clir

Dylai’r Llywodraeth:

dnabod hawl i hunaniaeth plant lesbiaidd, hoyw, deurywiol, trawsryweddol a rhyngryw. Gwneud mwy i sicrhau bod pob person ifanc yn mwynhau rhyddid mynegiant a pharch tuag at eu uniondeb, hunaniaeth rhywedd ac awtonomi sy’n dod i’r amlwg. Sicrhau bod gan blant trawsryweddol lais ar systemau cydnabod rhywedd, a bod penderfyniadau yn ymwneud â’r systemau hyn yn unol â’u hawliau, yn cynnwys yr hawl i gael eu clywed, i hunaniaeth, ac i gydsyniad rhydd a gwybodus.

Argymhelliad gwreiddiol y CU

Noting the decision taken by the State party to prevent the implementation of the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill, the Committee recommends that the State party recognize the right to identity of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex children, and put in place measures to ensure that all adolescents enjoy their freedom of expression and respect for their physical and psychological integrity, gender identity and emerging autonomy. In this context, the State party should ensure that any decisions regarding systems of gender recognition for children are taken in close consultation with transgender children and in line with children’s rights, including the right to be heard and the right to identity, in accordance with their evolving capacities, to free and informed consent and with appropriate safeguards.

Dyddiad archwiliad y CU


Rhif erthygl y CU

7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 15/10/2024