Casgliadau i gloi CAT 2019, paragraff 41

UN recommendation

Argymhelliad Cymreig clir

Dylai’r llywodraeth: (a) Weithredu Cytundeb Stormont House ar fyrder, a gafodd ei fabwysiadu gan Lywodraethau Prydain ac Iwerddon a Gweithrediaeth Gogledd Iwerddon yn Rhagfyr 2014. Sefydlu’r Uned Ymchwiliadau Hanesyddol (HIU), fel sy’n ofynnol yn y Cytundeb, i ymchwilio i farwolaethau yn ymwneud â gwrthdaro. (b) Ystyried newid y drafft Bill Gogledd Iwerddon (Cytundeb Stormont House) i sicrhau bod unrhyw gyfyngiadau ar allu’r HIU i gyhoeddi gwybodaeth am ei ymchwiliadau yn amodol i fesurau diogelwch llym. (c) Sicrhau nad yw gwybodaeth am artaith neu gamdriniaeth honedig gan asiantau’r wladwriaeth yn cael ei hatal rhag y cyhoedd heb reswm da, ac nad yw newyddiadurwyr ac eraill yn cael eu bygwth neu gosbi am adrodd gwybodaeth o’r fath. (d) Cynnal ymchwiliadau annibynnol i gyhuddiadau o artaith, lladd a cham-drin a gyflawnwyd yn ystod y gwrthdaro yng Ngogledd Iwerddon. Dylai’r ymchwiliadau hyn nodi, erlyn a chosbi’r cyflawnwyr. Dylent gynnwys ymchwiliad i ladd Patrick Finucane, a gyhoeddwyd yn ddiweddar gan y Goruchaf Lys i fod heb ei ymchwilio’n effeithiol. (e) Cymryd camau, yn cynnwys ehangu rôl yr HIU, i ddelio â chyhuddiadau o artaith, trais rhywiol a diflaniadau a ddigwyddodd yn ystod y gwrthdaro, a sicrhau bod dioddefwyr artaith a chamdriniaeth yn sicrhau unioniad, yn cynnwys iawndal ac adferiad teg a digonol. (f) Peidio caniatáu amnest na chyfyngiadau a fyddai’n diogelu cyflawnwyr artaith neu gamdriniaeth.

Original UN recommendation

Recalling its previous concluding observations (CAT/C/GBR/CO/5, para. 23), the Committee recommends that the State party should: (a) In the absence of a functioning devolved government in Northern Ireland since January 2017, take urgent measures to advance and implement the Stormont House Agreement and the mechanisms it contemplates for investigating conflict-related violations, particularly the Historical Investigations Unit (HIU). (b) Consider revising the draft Northern Ireland (Stormont House Agreement) Bill to ensure that strict safeguards apply to any limitation on the ability of the HIU to publish information concerning its investigations on the grounds of prejudice to national security. (c) Ensure that information allegedly establishing the involvement of State agents in conduct prohibited by the Convention is not arbitrarily withheld from the public and that journalists and human rights defenders do not face intimidation or reprisals for disclosing such information. (d) Ensure that effective and independent investigations are conducted into outstanding allegations of torture, ill-treatment and conflict related killings to establish the truth and identify, prosecute and punish perpetrators, including with respect to the killing of Patrick Finucane, following a recent decision by the Supreme Court that the State party has not carried out an effective investigation concerning this case. (e) Undertake other initiatives, including expanding the mandate of the HIU, to address allegations of torture, sexual violence, and disappearances committed during the conflict, and ensure that victims of torture and ill-treatment obtain redress, including fair and adequate compensation, and as full as rehabilitation as possible. (f) Refrain from enacting amnesties or statutes of limitations for torture or ill-treatment, which the Committee has found to be inconsistent with States parties’ obligations under the Convention.

Date of UN examination


UN article number

2 (prevention of torture), 12 (prompt and impartial investigation), 13 (right to complain), 14 (redress, compensation and rehabilitation), 16 (cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment)

Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 11/09/2019