Casgliadau i gloi CAT 2019, paragraff 53

UN recommendation

Argymhelliad Cymreig clir

Dylai’r llywodraeth:

(a) Ddarparu’r CU â data manwl ar geisiadau lloches sy’n ymwneud â hawliadau o artaith a chanlyniadau hawliadau o’r fath. Dylid dadgyfuno’r data yn ôl gwlad tarddiad ac/neu ddychwelyd yr ymgeiswyr.

(b) Adolygu defnydd o’r safon o brawf mewn penderfyniadau lloches. Gwella’r modd mae gweithwyr achos y Swyddfa Gartref yn asesu hawliadau, yn cynnwys eu gwerthusiad o dystiolaeth feddygol o artaith flaenorol, ac yn benodol mewn ceisiadau am loches gan wladolion Afghanistan a Sri Lanka.

(c) Adolygu cynnwys Wcráin ar y rhestr o wledydd diogel i ddychwelyd ceiswyr lloches, o ganlyniad i gasgliadau diweddar Adroddwyr Arbennig y CU ar Artaith.

Original UN recommendation

The State party should:

(a) Compile detailed statistical data on the number of asylum applications involving torture claims and their outcome, disaggregated by the applicants’ country of origin and/or return, and provide this information to the Committee.

(b) Review the application of the standard of proof in asylum decisions and improve performance in this area, including with respect to caseworkers’ evaluation of medical evidence of past torture, and particularly with respect to negative determinations on applications for asylum from nationals of Afghanistan and Sri Lanka.

(c) Review the State party’s inclusion of Ukraine on the list of safe countries for return of asylum seekers, particularly in light of the recent findings of the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture.

Date of UN examination


UN article number

3 (non-refoulement), 16 (cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment)

Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 11/09/2019