Casgliadau i gloi CEDAW 2019, paragraff 36
Argymhelliad Cymreig clir
Dylai’r llywodraeth:
(a) Sicrhau y gall menywod bregus gael mynediad at gyfleoedd cyflogaeth, tai a nawdd cymdeithasol fel nad oes angen iddynt droi at buteindra neu ‘rhyw am rent’;
(b) Gymryd camau i leihau’r galw am ryw y telir amdano, yn cynnwys trwy fesurau addysgol a chosi ymwybyddiaeth ar gyfer dynion a bechgyn sy’n taclo gorthrymu menywod;
(c) Newid y gyfraith i ddad-droseddoli menywod mewn puteindra a chlirio cofnodion troseddol menywod sydd wedi eu collfarnu am droseddau’n gysylltiedig i buteindra er mwyn iddynt allu chwilio am waith amgen;
(d) Sicrhau bod gwasanaethau arbenigol i helpu menywod a merched i adael puteindra wedi eu hariannu’n dda ac yn hygyrch;
(e) Creu cyfleoedd mewn addysg a chyflogaeth ar gyfer menywod sydd eisiau gadael puteindra; (f) cyflawni a defnyddio ymchwil ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig i nodi newidiadau i bolisïau a chyfreithiau parthed puteindra;
(g) Ar gyfer achosion yn ymwneud â rhai dan 18, newid y gyfraith i osod baich prawf ar y sawl sy’n talu am ryw.
Original UN recommendation
The Committee recommends that the State:
(a) Take effective measures to ensure that women in vulnerable situations have effective access to employment opportunities, housing and social security so that they do not need to resort to prostitution or “sex for rent”.
(b) Take effective measures to reduce demand for commercial sex, including by carrying out educational and awareness-raising measures targeted at men and boys and focused on combating all notions of subordination and objectification of women.
(c) Revise legislation to decriminalize women in prostitution and clear the criminal records of women who have been convicted for offences related to prostitution to enable them to seek alternative forms of employment.
(d) Ensure the availability of specialist services, which are adequately funded, inclusive and accessible, to assist women and girls to exit prostitution.
(e) Create educational and employment opportunities for women who wish to exit prostitution.
(f) Undertake research into the prevalence and nature of prostitution in Scotland and Northern Ireland, in addition to the research that is currently underway in England and Wales, to identify necessary changes to legislation and policy; (g) Revise its legislation to shift the burden of proof from the prosecution to the purchaser of sexual services for cases involving minors, as previously recommended (CEDAW/C/GBR/CO/7, para.41).
Date of UN examination
UN article number
6 (trafficking and sexual exploitation)
Original UN document
Lawr lwytho casgliadau i gloi gwreiddiol 2019 y CEDAW ar wefan y CU