Casgliadau i gloi CEDAW 2019, paragraff 44
Argymhelliad Cymreig clir
Dylai’r llywodraeth:
(a) Weithredu i gynyddu’r nifer o fenywod mewn rolau gwneud penderfyniadau yn y gweithle a lleihau cynrychiolaeth ormodol menywod mewn sectorau penodol, yn cynnwys trwy ei gwneud yn haws i fenywod gael mynediad at brentisiaethau mewn meysydd ble nad oes ganddynt gynrychiolaeth ddigonol;
(b) Annog peidio defnyddio contractau dim oriau a chynyddu cyfleoedd i fenywod gael cyflogaeth sicr;
(c) Weithredu’r gyfraith ar adrodd gofynnol ar y bwlch cyflog rhwng y rhywiau yng Ngogledd Iwerddon;
(d) Annog cyflogwyr i gyhoeddi gwybodaeth bellach am eu bwlch cyflog rhwng y rhywiau i gael gwell dealltwriaeth o’r rhesymau dros hyn a beth maent yn wneud i’w leihau;
(e) Ei gwneud yn ofynnol i gyflogwyr gymryd camau i ddiogelu menywod rhag aflonyddu rhywiol yn y gweithle;
(f) Gymryd camau penodol i wella mynediad at waith ar gyfer menywod o grwpiau ymylol, fel menywod o leiafrifoedd ethnig ac anabl, i gynyddu eu cyfradd cyflogaeth a lleihau eu cynrychiolaeth ormodol mewn swyddi ar gyflog isel.
Original UN recommendation
The Committee recommends that the State party:
(a) Continue to take proactive and specific measures to increase the representation of women in decision-making positions in the workplace and decrease the horizontal occupational segregation of men and women, including by increasing women’s access to apprenticeships in fields where they are underrepresented.
(b) Take measures to increase opportunities for women to access formal and secure employment and discourage the use by employers of zero-hour contracts.
(c) Ensure that the provisions regarding mandatory pay gap reporting in the Employment Act (Northern Ireland) 2016 is brought into effect in Northern Ireland.
(d) Encourage employers to publish a narrative with their gender pay gap data to understand the reasons behind the gender pay gap and to take appropriate remedial measures.
(e) Introduce a mandatory duty on employers to take reasonable steps to protect women from sexual harassment in the workplace.
(f) Adopt specific measures, including temporary special measures, to facilitate the access of women from marginalized groups, such as “Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic” women and women with disabilities to the labour market in order to increase their employment rate and alleviate their concentration in low-paid jobs.
Date of UN examination
UN article number
11 (work and employment)
Original UN document
Lawr lwytho casgliadau i gloi gwreiddiol 2019 y CEDAW ar wefan y CU