Casgliadau i gloi ICCPR 2015, paragraff 19
Argymhelliad Cymreig clir
Dylai’r llywodraeth:
Gweithredu’n llwyr y gwaharddiad ar ‘refoulement’ (dychwelyd pobl dan orfod i wledydd ble maent yn debygol o gael eu herlyn), yn unol ag erthyglau 6 a 7 yr ICCPR. Gwerthuso sicrwydd diplomyddol yn llawn (cytundebau gwleidyddol rhwng gwledydd yn erbyn artaith). Monitro triniaeth pobl sydd wedi eu trosglwyddo dan sicrwydd diplomyddol. Peidio estraddodi, trosglwyddo na dychwelyd pobl i wladwriaethau ble nad oes monitro digonol. Gweithredu pan na cheir sicrwydd diplomyddol.
Original UN recommendation
The Committee recalls its previous recommendation (see CCPR/C/GBR/CO/6, para. 12) and recommends that the State party strictly apply the absolute prohibition on refoulement under articles 6 and 7 of the Covenant; continue to exercise the utmost care in evaluating diplomatic assurances; ensure that appropriate, effective and independent post-transfer monitoring of individuals who are transferred pursuant to diplomatic assurances is in place; refrain from relying on such assurances where the State party is not in a position to effectively monitor the treatment of such persons after their extradition, expulsion, transfer or return to other countries; and take appropriate remedial action when assurances are not fulfilled.
Date of UN examination
UN article number
2 (implementation at the national level), 6 (right to life), 7 (freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment)
Original UN document
Lawr lwytho casgliadau i gloi gwreiddiol 2015 y ICCPR ar wefan y CU