Casgliadau i gloi CRC 2023, paragraff 51

Argymhelliad CU

Argymhelliad Cymreig clir

Dylai’r Llywodraeth:

(a) Cael gwared ar y polisi ‘Amgylchedd Gelyniaethus’ a sicrhau bod modd i blant sydd heb statws preswylio rheolaidd gael help cyfreithiol, gwarchodaeth arbennig a budd-daliadau; (b) Rhoi’r gorau i gategoreiddio plant sydd heb statws preswylio rheolaidd a’u teuluoedd mewn ffyrdd sy’n golygu na allant gael mynediad i wasanaethau, megis ‘Heb Hawl i Gyllid Cyhoeddus’; (c) Cyflwyno ffyrdd o roi statws preswylio rheolaidd i blant hebddo a sicrhau nad ydynt yn cael eu hallgáu yn gymdeithasol.

Argymhelliad gwreiddiol y CU

The Committee recommends that the State party: (a) Repeal its “Hostile Environment” policy and ensure the access of children without a regular residence status to independent legal representation, social protection and welfare benefits; (b) Remove the designation of children without a regular residence status and their families into administrative categories that prevent them from accessing certain services, such as the “No Recourse to Public Funds” throughout all jurisdictions of the State party or “non-belonger” in the Overseas Territories; (c) Implement long-term solutions for the regularization of children without a regular residence status, including by ensuring that all such children in the Overseas Territories are issued identity documents, and strengthen measures to prevent their social exclusion.

Dyddiad archwiliad y CU


Rhif erthygl y CU

22, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37 (b)–(d), 38–40

Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 15/10/2024