Casgliadau i gloi CRPD 2017, paragraff 33
Argymhelliad Cymreig clir
Gweithio gyda sefydliadau pobl anabl i:
(a) datblygu rhaglenni i wneud barnwyr, erlynyddion, swyddogion yr heddlu a staff carchardai yn ymwybodol o hawliau pobl anabl.
(b) sefydlu system gefnogaeth ar gyfer pobl anabl, yn arbennig y rhai gydag anableddau dysgu a chyflyrau iechyd meddwl, i wneud penderfyniadau mewn achosion llys.
(c) darparu cymorth cyfreithiol am ddim neu fforddiadwy i bobl anabl.
(d) sicrhau bod gan bobl anabl hawliau cyfartal o fewn y system cyfiawnder trwy wneud addasiadau rhesymol. Galluogi pobl fyddar i eistedd ar reithgor gyda chymorth dehonglwyr iaith arwyddion.
(e) annog a chefnogi pobl anabl i weithio yn y system cyfiawnder.
Original UN recommendation
The Committee recommends that the State party, in close collaboration with organizations of persons with disabilities:
(a) Develop and implement capacity-building programmes among the judiciary and law enforcement personnel, including judges, prosecutors, police officers and prison staff, about the rights of persons with disabilities.
(b) Design and implement a decision-making regime with guidelines and appropriate resources, focusing on respecting the will and preferences of persons with disabilities, particularly persons with intellectual and/or psychosocial disabilities, in court proceedings.
(c) Provide free or affordable legal aid for persons with disabilities in all areas of law and remove fees to access courts and employment tribunals, bearing in mind the Supreme Court ruling of 26 July 2017 regarding the Employment Tribunal’s fees (R (on the application of UNISON) (Appellant) v. Lord Chancellor (Respondent)).
(d) Ensure that all persons with disabilities enjoy the right and are provided with adequate procedural accommodation within the justice system, and enable in particular deaf persons through the use of sign language interpreters, to fully and equally participate as jurors in court proceedings.
(e) Take measures to empower persons with disabilities to work in the justice system as judges, prosecutors or in other positions, with the provision of all necessary support.
Date of UN examination
UN article number
13 (access to justice)
Original UN document
Lawr lwytho casgliadau i gloi gwreiddiol 2017 y CRPD ar wefan y CU