Casgliadau i gloi CERD 2016, paragraff 33
Argymhelliad Cymreig clir
Dylai’r llywodraeth:
Casglu data cyflogaeth a gweithgaredd dadelfenedig ar bobl o grwpiau lleiafrifoedd ethnig.
Cymryd camau pellach i daclo diweithdra, arwahanu swyddi a gwahaniaethu. Dylid talu sylw arbennig i recriwtio, cyflogau, dyrchafiadau ac amodau gwaith eraill.
Original UN recommendation
The Committee recommends that the State party collect disaggregated data on employment, unemployment and activity rates of individuals from ethnic minority groups, throughout its jurisdiction, and that it adopt and implement targeted measures to address unemployment, occupational segregation, and discriminatory practices with regard to recruitment, salaries, promotions and other conditions of employment.
Date of UN examination
UN article number
2 (general obligations), 5 (prohibition of racial discrimination; equal enjoyment of rights)
Original UN document
Lawr lwytho casgliadau i gloi gwreiddiol 2016 y CERD ar wefan y CU