Casgliadau i gloi CRC 2016, paragraff 31
Argymhelliad Cymreig clir
Dylai’r Llywodraeth:
(a) Cynnwys plant yn systematig ac ystyrlon mewn penderfyniadau, yn lleol a chenedlaethol, ym mhob mater yn ymwneud â’u bywydau (yn arbennig plant iau a difreintiedig). Ystyried cyngor y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar hawl blant i gael eu clywed.
(b) Adolygu diwygiadau i gymorth cyfreithiol yng Nghymru, Lloegr. Ymgynghori gyda phlant ac asesu’r effaith sydd gan ddiwygiadau arfaethedig yng Ngogledd Iwerddon a Jersey ar eu hawliau. Sicrhau bod unrhyw ddiwygiadau yn gwarantu eu mynediad at gyfiawnder.
(c) Sefydlu seneddau ieuenctid ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig i helpu plant i ymgysylltu gyda phrosesau llunio’r gyfraith ar faterion sy’n effeithio arnynt.
(d) Sicrhau bod barnau plant yn cael gwrandawiad ac yn cael eu hystyried gan bob gweithiwr proffesiynol y gweithio gyda phlant.
Original UN recommendation
21. With reference to its general comment No. 12 (2009) on the right of the child to be heard, the Committee recommends that the State party:
(a) Establish structures for the active and meaningful participation of children and give due weight to their views in designing laws, policies, programmes and services at the local and national levels, including in relation to discrimination, violence, sexual exploitation and abuse, harmful practices, alternative care, sexual and reproductive education, leisure and play. Particular attention should be paid to involving younger children and children in vulnerable situations, such as children with disabilities;
(b) Assess the impact and expedite the review of the reforms on legal aid in England, Wales and Scotland and conduct child rights impact assessment of the proposed reforms in Northern Ireland and Jersey, in order to ensure that such reforms do not negatively affect children’s access to justice, and guarantee effective participation of children in such assessment and review;
(c) Expedite the establishment of youth parliaments in all devolved administrations and territories as permanent forums for children’s effective engagement with national legislative processes on issues that affect them;
(d) Ensure that children are not only heard but also listened to and their views given due weight by all professionals working with children.”
Date of UN examination
UN article number
3 (best interests of the child),12 (respect for the views of the child)
Original UN document
Lawr lwytho casgliadau i gloi gwreiddiol 2016 y CRC ar wefan y CU