Casgliadau i gloi CRC 2023, paragraff 50

Argymhelliad CU

Argymhelliad Cymreig clir

Dylai’r Llywodraeth:

(a) Newid ar frys y Bil Ymfudo Anghyfreithlon: tynnu allan unrhyw ddarpariaethau a fyddai’n arwain at dramgwyddo hawliau plant o dan y CRC a Chonfensiwn Ffoaduriaid 1951, a sicrhau bod yr holl ddarpariaethau yn y Bil yn unol â chyfraith hawliau dynol rhyngwladol; (b) Newid y Ddeddf Cenedligrwydd a Ffiniau trwy gael gwared ar statws ‘Grŵp 2’ grwpiau penodol o blant sy’n ffoaduriaid, a sicrhau bod pob plentyn sy’n ceisio lloches a phlant sy’n ffoaduriaid yn cael eu cefnogi ac nad ydynt yn cael eu trin fel troseddwyr; (c) Adolygu a gwella’r broses ceisio lloches er mwyn sicrhau bod: • plant yn derbyn gwybodaeth a chyngor cyfreithiol priodol ynglŷn a’u hawliau ac ynglŷn â’r broses ceisio lloches • lles pennaf plant yn flaenoriaeth ym mhob proses ceisio lloches • plant yn cael eu clywed a bod eu safbwyntiau’n cael eu hystyried; a • eu bod yn medru cael mynediad i ffyrdd plentyn-gyfeillgar o gael cyfiawnder; (d) Gwneud mwy i sicrhau bod pob plentyn sy’n ceisio lloches, yn ffoaduriaid ac yn fudwyr yn medru cael mynediad i addysg, gwasanaethau iechyd, tai, cefnogaeth iechyd meddwl a gwarchodiadau cymdeithasol, yn cynnwys budd-daliadau; (e) Dod â’r ffyrdd annibynadwy ac ymwthiol presennol o gyfrifo oed plentyn i ben a chyflwyno dull mwy sensitif sy’n: • cynnwys asesiadau gan wahanol weithwyr proffesiynol perthnasol o aeddfedrwydd a lefel datblygiad plentyn • parchu’r egwyddor cyfreithiol o fantais yr amheuaeth • galluogi plant i gael mynediad i gyngor cyfreithiol a herio canlyniad yr asesiad; (f) Sicrhau nad yw plant a’r rheini y mae eu hoed yn destun dadl yn cael eu hanfon i drydedd gwlad; (g) Sefydlu system o warcheidiaeth annibynnol i bob plentyn ar ei ben ei hun; sicrhau bod pob plentyn ar ei ben ei hun yn cael ei adnabod yn gyflym a bod gwarcheidwad wedi ei hyfforddi yn cael ei benodi iddynt; (h) Sicrhau bod gan blant hawl anghymwys i ymgeisio am ailuniad teuluol ac ystyried pob cais yn gyson ac yn gyflym, gan roi lles pennaf y plentyn yn gyntaf.

Argymhelliad gwreiddiol y CU

With reference to joint general comments No. 3 and No. 4 (2017) of the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families/No. 22 and No. 23 (2017) of the Committee on the Rights of the Child on the human rights of children in the context of international migration, the Committee urges the State party to: (a) Urgently amend the Illegal Migration Bill to repeal all draft provisions that would have the effect of violating children’s rights under the Convention and the 1951 Refugee Convention, and bring the Bill in line with the State party’s obligations under international human rights law to ensure children’s right to nationality, to seek asylum and to have their best interests taken as a primary consideration, as well as to prevent their prolonged detention and removal; (b) Amend the Nationality and Borders Act to abolish the designation of “Group 2” status to certain groups of refugee children, and ensure that all asylum-seeking and refugee children, including unaccompanied children, are not criminalized and have access to necessary support and services; (c) Review and strengthen the asylum process to ensure that children receive age-appropriate information and legal advice about their rights, asylum procedures and requirements for documentation; that their best interests are given primary consideration in all asylum processes; that their views are heard, taken into account and given due weight; and that they have access to child-friendly justice mechanisms and remedies; (d) Strengthen measures to ensure that all asylum-seeking, refugee and migrant children have equal and prompt access to education, health services, housing, psychosocial support, and social protection including benefit entitlements; (e) Put an end to the use of unreliable and invasive procedures for determining a child’s age; develop an age determination procedure that is child- and gender-sensitive, includes multidisciplinary assessments conducted by relevant professionals of the child’s maturity and level of development, and respects the legal principle of the benefit of the doubt; and ensure that children have access to legal advice throughout the process and, if necessary, can challenge the outcome of such assessments; (f) Ensure that children and age-disputed children are not removed to a third country; (g) Develop a consistent, statutory system of independent guardianship for all unaccompanied children, and ensure that all unaccompanied children throughout all jurisdictions of the State party are promptly identified and appointed a professionally trained guardian; (h) Review its system of family reunification involving unaccompanied children, with a view to ensuring that children have an unqualified right to apply for family reunification and that applications are considered in a consistent, expeditious and child rights-based approach, and that the best interests of the child are a primary consideration in all related decisions.    

Dyddiad archwiliad y CU


Rhif erthygl y CU

22, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37 (b)–(d), 38–40

Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 15/10/2024