Casgliadau i gloi UPR 2022, paragraff 43.72

UN recommendation

Argymhelliad Cymreig clir

Dylai’r Llywodraeth:

Gweithredu ar frys er mwyn atal trais, gwahaniaethu ac iaith casineb sy’n tramgwyddo hawliau ac urddas pobl traws; newid unrhyw gyfraith sy’n trin hunaniaeth traws fel problem feddygol, seicolegol neu gymdeithasol, a gwahardd therapïau trosi.

Original UN recommendation

Adopt urgent measures to prevent violence, discrimination and hate speech that violate the rights and dignified treatment of trans people, and amend any regulatory framework that pathologizes and/or stigmatizes them; and in the same vein, prohibit conversion therapies (Argentina).

Date of UN examination


Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 16/09/2024